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Fulfilling The Kingdom Agenda

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Mailing Address

P.O. Box 71

Emporia, Virginia 23847


(434) 336-7050


Social Media Outlets

Worship Times

***Sabbath School - Saturdays @ 10:00 am

Worship Service - Saturdays @ 11:45 am

***Morning Devotion - Wednesdays @ 7:00 am

***Prayer Fellowship - Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm


*** Join by Phone: (301) 715-8592


via Zoom: Meeting ID - 881 7829 3579,

Password - REVIVAL

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Bethel (or Beit-El) is a Hebrew word meaning, the “Abode of G-d”.  Although it is mentioned several times in the Old Testament, Genesis 28 records Bethel as the place where Jacob's life was powerfully touched during a visitation from

G-d through a dream.  Bethel was no ordinary place, but rather the sanctuary of G-d's name (II Chronicles 7:15-16). 


Revival - We humbly and joyfully embrace the work of the Holy Spirit in this dispensation of time as G-D HAS UNLEASHED REVIVAL IN THE EARTH!  Just as the Apostles and people in Acts 2 were able to testify about the coming of the Holy Spirit, so shall we be able to testify of the unique outpouring of G-d’s grace, power, and truth to set the captives free in any way they have been bound (Joel 2:28, Zechariah 4:6, and John 8:32).

Assemblies - We believe it is vital to the growth of every believer in Jesus Christ to fellowship and serve with persons of like faith (Hebrews 10:24-25). As a congregation, our desire is that G-d finds us faithful and never to be a people who honor Him with our lips, yet our hearts are far from Him. Our worship of Him is not based merely upon human rules we have been taught (Isaiah 29:13).  As the Bride of Christ, we seek to work and worship in eager anticipation of our Savior's return (Philippians 3:20-21 and I Thessalonians 4:16).

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